Finding workable, long-term solutions for Our Communities
“I’d been waiting my entire professional life for this social movement.” – Earl Brown, Co-founder
“…raised consciousness, even when combined with open pockets, does not guarantee workable, long-term solutions.”
Our Mission
Consciousness of injustice was at an all-time high during the protests, but raised consciousness, even when combined with open pockets, does not guarantee workable, long-term solutions. Set on finding such solutions, he recruited a team of advisors, prioritizing women from the executive levels of banking, real estate, and medicine. The advisors understood the depth and breadth of systemic racism and had solid connections with and knowledge of Black and Latinx low-income communities. From their discussions, OCM was born.
OCM ignites seismic shifts in historically marginalized Black and Latinx communities by cultivating high-impact entrepreneurial ventures with an aim toward community development and intergenerational wealth creation. OCM fosters radically inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystems for Black-, Latinx- and women-owned small businesses through the creation of high-impact stakeholder networks, practical metrics and methods to analyze and evaluate community impact, and the provision of superior business, legal and financial advisory services.
The meaning of OCM
As Earl Brown consulted with his fellow founders, partners, and community, about starting this much needed venture, he was deeply inspired by the principle of “Our Communities Matter”. The company name is meant to decisively reflect a deep commitment to that principle as core to the advisory’s mission. Yet, he wisely determined that no one company can own this idea. OCM Advisory hopes others will also be inspired and feel a sense of shared ownership in this community-wide movement to uplift our communities.